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Have you considered a Commission to an Artist?

Create for yourself a work of Art, an object of personal meaning and beauty that will take you to your favorite place, moment, person, loved one, idea, while it serves the dual purpose of adding beauty to your home.

There is a place, a vista, a hidden garden, that you love, that means more to you than any other, that illuminates your mind, informs your intelligence, triggers your emotions.


Is there an object from your childhood, a person, or a heroic animal whose nobility exemplifies the highest qualities to which your imagination can aspire?

Fine drawing, oil painting, watercolor, pastel or other media can express your ideal.

A commissioned artist can take you to that special place, your personal journey, the vision in your minds eye. Personal, specific, and individualized, create a work of art that has value, beauty and importance to you and your posterity. Through this discovery of visualizing your thoughts and feelings, you will create a treasure for generations

To create a commission contact:
Craig Fetzer

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